Geolocation Time Tracking

Your employees can clock-in using their phone. You manage their time, activate geofencing, alerting, get useful insights and export them. We keep it simple for you.

    Icon of a check
    Start free
    Icon of a check
    Set up in minutes
    Icon of a check
    No credit card required

Why should you work with us?

Increase of employees productivity over time

Average savings on payrolls per month for small companies

Workers attendance rate improvement in the first few months
Sign up for free on the dashboard

Sign-up for free to our dashboard

In a few seconds, you can sign-up your organization to our dashboard. We'll ask your location to set up your first zone with us so you can get started.

Download the free app on your phone

Get the app, scan your first QR Code and start checking in and out.

Our native application enhances your capabilities significantly. With features like geofencing, you can automatically check out when leaving a designated area, ensuring that your employees' reports are always accurate in case they leave the area or forget to check-out.

App StoreApp Store
Example of a view on the free mobile app of Aquiestoy
Example of live activity on the dashboard

Watch live activity, get reports and invite your team

You can now observe how the dashboard interacts with the application. Upon check-in, live activity will appear. After your first check-out, reports will be available.

You can invite your team to join you from the dashboard and start tracking their shifts.

Adapted to each company size, you pay as you grow.

Start for free, and pay only for the amount of active workers your company has.

Basic Application

Try it out as much as you want

With a small team

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Up to 5 active workers
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Insight and Analytics
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Smart Alerting
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Data exports
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Basic support

Advanced Application

$2.50 $2USD
active worker / month

billed yearly

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Unlimited active workers
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Insight and Analytics
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Smart Alerting
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Data exports
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24/7 Priority Support


Starting from

200 active workers

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Get all the application perks
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Degressing price grid
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High scale features
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Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
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24/7 High Priority Support