What are our QR Codes?

Generate an unlimited amount of QR Codes in fixed areas and also QR in motion if your company has cars for workers or any mobile needs.

    Icon of a check
    Start free
    Icon of a check
    Set up in minutes
    Icon of a check
    No credit card required

Why should you work with us?

Increase of employees productivity over time

Average savings on payrolls per month for small companies

Workers attendance rate improvement in the first few months
An example of how the system gives you the option of the type of QR you want to add.

Unlimited QR Codes

You can add as many QR Codes as you want in Aquiestoy. We aren’t considering the number of QR Codes you generate in our pricing model which means you could have 5, 10s, or 100s of QR Codes splitting your organization into different zones.

What matters to us is to fit your use case, so if you have a company that has a bigger area to cover or more checkpoints where employees go through, we don’t want you to be limited by any quota on the QR Codes.

Of course, if one QR Code is sufficient for your whole organization, it works perfectly as well.

Fixed vs moving QR Codes

Our Smart QR Codes have a bunch of capabilities. One of them is to be able to geo-fence your employee and send alerts when someone checks in or checks out too far from their dedicated zone.

As you will see, these are the two options for managing the 2 types of QR.
Get your precise location to leave the QR fixed.

Fixed QR Code

This is typically a QR Code you place in a building, it won't move. It has a “fixed” location that will be registered upon creation, which can be updated when you edit it.

Thanks to the position you set your QR Code in, when someone checks in or checks out and their location is asked, we compare and calculate distances, eventually alerting you if the distance seems abnormally far.

Moving QR Code

This is more convenient for virtual or “moving” check-in and check-out. If you want to monitor someone checking in inside one of your company vehicles, you can simply place the QR Code in it.

Alerting will not be activated for the distances where the check-in occurs, as vehicles can be placed anywhere.

However, you can ask for the location of your workers when they start or end their shift, to keep full control over whether or not their location is where they should be while at work.

This section is to put a qr choosing its name for a certain vehicle or worker that is in constant motion.
From your location you can check out & check in.

Virtual teams

Moving QR Codes can also be used for virtual teams that want a fast way to indicate they start a shift. Each team member can print it or display it on their screen, check in at their current location, and scan it to check out once they finish their shift.

This more loosely checked location is perfect for organizations that want high flexibility in the location of their employees.

Adapted to each company size, you pay as you grow.

Start for free, and pay only for the amount of active workers your company has.

Basic Application

Try it out as much as you want

With a small team

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Up to 5 active workers
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Insight and Analytics
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Smart Alerting
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Data exports
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Basic support

Advanced Application

$2.50 $2USD
active worker / month

billed yearly

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Unlimited active workers
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Insight and Analytics
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Smart Alerting
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Data exports
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24/7 Priority Support


Starting from

200 active workers

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Get all the application perks
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Degressing price grid
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High scale features
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Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
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24/7 High Priority Support