Easy and simple of use, this is the ideal solution to calculate your working hours.
You can add each time slot you want to track, and the system will generate a timesheet for you.
It'll also create useful statistics for you to know more about your week, like the shortest and longest day, the average time worked, and the total time worked.
The calculation is done in a matter of microseconds.
This is mostly handled by your browser, using the algorithms we wrote to make it as fast as possible.
There's no limit of use. You can come here every single day and make all the calculations you want.
On top of that, if you want us to improve the tool, like having multiple weeks, months or more granularity, you can just contact us and we'll be glad to improve the tool for you..
Depending the configuration you selected, we can store the data in your browser so you can continue what you were doing.
You should know, we do not store anything into our servers, ever. You're the only one to have access to your data.
Our Timesheet Calculator is ultra straightforward and simple to use. You select and it's processed before your eyes.
When searching for this kind of technology at Aquiestoy, we didn't find any simple solution like this, so we decided to build it.
Your data isn't used in anyway by Aquiestoy. This is a free tool we want you to use to get curious about our other services.
Aquiestoy propose a lot of different tools you can freely use. Please visit the tools page to see more.